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Week In Review: Wet Water

· One min read

It's been longer than a week. But that's okay—things were slow anyways.

Perhaps the biggest change—at least the biggest noticeable change—is that Jeremy made the water look wetter. See for yourself.

It's all still a work in progress, but it's much better, right?

Other than that, I created several animations for cannonfire:
Cannonfire smoke

and for cannonballs hitting things:
Cannonball impacting wooden planks

We've also spent some time generating and refining game mechanics, I've started prototyping ships sinking, and we've gotten in front of our to-do list, organizing it quite a bit using Github Projects. I've even started an intranet site for us to start documenting things.

Oh! I almost forgot. We started narrowing down a music/sfx style. Still some work do to on this, though (like everything else).

That's it!