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· 2 min read

I'll just summarize some of the things I've been working on for the past couple weeks. Hopefully I can make this a more regular thing and add some screenshots and whatnot to document a bit better.

  • I've deployed a basic site.
  • I've also configured initial email addresses on the new domain and the set up social accounts at the various providers. Instagram didn't like the profile at first and disabled it, but I got through that.


  • I realized I need to still think of this as learning. I had already fallen into performance mode, and the tiling that I was working on was starting to disappoint me. I'm toying with 128px x 128px for the tileset size now--up from 16px x 16px--and will be seeing some test results soon. One issue I ran into was not understanding how the tiles in Godot connect to each other. I realized after creating 100-some-odd tiles that I wasn't going to get the more-natural results I was looking for and moved to the bigger size.
  • I need to put into my schedule different learning avenues. Again, this is new. I tend to just want to make stuff with learning just helping me when I get stuck. Being more strategic with such would certainly help.

Poindexter Game Co.

  • Created a logo, and we agreed on a company name. Creating our identity now will help with things later on.

More later.


· One min read

This is the first blog entry. I am currently in the process of getting the site ready for deployment.